**Welcome to My Collection of Amateur Radio Diplomas**

As a passionate amateur radio operator, I enjoy collecting the various diplomas that can be earned through my contacts on different radio frequencies and using various methods. Each contact and each diploma tells a story about the people I have met and the places I have been able to communicate with.

The diplomas I have collected represent not only my achievements but also the enthusiasm and dedication found in the amateur radio community. From DXCC (DX Century Club) to WAS (Worked All States) and many other exciting programs, each certification is a testament to the countless hours I have invested in improving my skills and expanding my network.

Here on this page, I proudly showcase my collection of diplomas. Each one is a symbol of my experiences and adventures in the world of radio communication. I hope they inspire others to explore this fantastic hobby and to pursue their own goals within amateur radio.

Thank you for stopping by! If you have any questions or wish to share your own experiences, please feel free to contact me.