Today, I received an eQSL card that struck me right in the heart. As a radio amateur, I’m used to receiving many QSL cards, but this one was something special. It came from Ukraine, where some time ago I had an FT-8 QSO with another radio amateur. The image on the card showed a young woman with a fishing net catching Russian bombs. It left a deep impression on me.
We radio amateurs are accustomed to creating connections across borders and cultures. Sitting in the shack, you often think about the people you’re connecting with around the world—their daily lives, their experiences, and their challenges. But right now, in the midst of this war, it all feels much more real and serious. This card reminded me of the strength and resilience so many people in Ukraine demonstrate every day.
As amateur radio operators, we share a common passion that binds us, no matter where we are in the world. It’s incredible how a simple radio contact can bring us closer together and remind us that we all have something in common, despite the challenges we face.
This card will go up in my shack. It will remind me that amateur radio can create connections that go far beyond the technical aspects—and of the people who show courage and strength in dark times.
Vy 73
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